31.10.2018 19:31
Просмотров всего: 360658; сегодня: 11.

Chocolate sweets "Marvellous taste"

Production of the confectionery products: chocolate sweets (https://bestsweet.ru/en/chocolate), candy, dragee (https://bestsweet.ru/en/dragees), boxes of chocolates (https://bestsweet.ru/en/chocolate-boxes), mini chocolates, weighted and packaged sweet-stuff, chocolate gift boxes.

Cupola – shaped sweets, in the branded glaze, with a delicate praline filling, with the additive of the whole hazelnuts, crushed peanuts and tastes of pistachios, walnuts and cinnamon. Green - dark filling is a pistachio, brown - dark stuffing is a walnut, blue - dark filling, without any aroma, lilac - dark filling is the cinnamon.

The chocolate sweets "Cheerful Journey" in the dark confectionery glaze with dark and light praline filling with the additive of the air rice, corn flakes and caramelized sunflower seeds, with the flavors: "Curd cream", "Baked milk".

The chocolates "Mama Zhenya" in the confectionery glaze with chocolate- cream filling with the additive of the whole kernel and crushed hazelnut and wafer crumbs with flavors: "Custard", "Truffle", "Amaretto", "Waffles", "Creme brulee".

The chocolates sweets "All Tiptop" in the dark confectionery glaze with combined dark-light praline filling with the air rice, merengue, explosive caramel, with flavors: "Curd cream", "Raspberry", "Coffee cappuccino", "Vanilla-creamy".

The candy "Grandmother's memories" in the milk confectionery glaze with the praline filling, with the additive of the caramelized poppy and with flavors: "Strawberries", "Raspberries", "Cowberry", "Mango".

The sweets "Papa Kolya" in the confectionary glaze with a delicate creamy fruit filling and with flavors: "Cherry", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Banana", "Almond" with the additive of a whole core of hazelnut.

Sweet "Jolly girls" with a combined filling, with flavors of black currant, cranberry, apple, strawberry, orange.

All our products has the international quality certificates ISO 22000: 2005.

The geography of the sales of our products: European countries, Hong Kong, China, USA, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Canada, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden.

We offer Russian confectionery products made of high-quality ingredients, without the artificial additives, which will allow our customers to enjoy the delicious sweets and be confident in the naturalness of our products!

Ньюсмейкер: Confectionery production "AtAg" — 4 публикации


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